The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers welcomes new members

Introducing New Liverymen and Journeymen

New admissions are by invitation and require both a Sponsor and a Seconder, both of whom should have known the candidate for at least three years.

The Sponsor writes a letter to the Clerk setting out the attributes of the candidate, including their age, which goes to the Court on a 15-day circulation. Assuming all to be in order, the application form is then issued to the Sponsor.

The candidate is called for interview by the Master’s Committee (if a Journeyman, then the proposed Journeyman Mentor also attends) if able to do so, the Master then recommends to the Court that the candidate be Elected to the Freedom of the Company.

If not already held, the new Freeman then obtains the Freedom of the City of London, advises the Clerk who then arranges for the Freeman to be clothed in the livery at the next available Court meeting.

The support of the Sponsor and Seconder in the process is essential to the successful induction of a new candidate and should not diminish in the years that follow.

Admission by Patrimony

Admission by Patrimony applies to candidates born after the admission of the parent to the Freedom of the Company. The candidate can claim the Freedom of right on attaining the age of 21.

For further information pertaining to membership of the Company please address all enquiries to:

The Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers, Sarah Murnane

Princess Alexandra (née Lieven),

Lady Alexandra Studd,

Lady Mayoress 1928 - 1929

Fruiterers' Fact:

The Company does not own its own hall but instead enjoys the rich variety of using the halls of various City Livery Companies